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9781849768702 9781849768702_01 9781849768702_02 9781849768702_03 9781849768702_04
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Tekst: Davide Cali - Illustraties: Fatinha Ramos

ISBN: 9781849768702 (HB - EN)

When knight after knight tries to rescue the princess and fails, who will succeed in saving her? A delightfully playful, strikingly illustrated fairy tale that flips gender an sexual norms on heir head, while highlighting the power of humility and perseverance. Somewhere far away, a beautiful princess called Tourmaline is imprisoned in a tall tower. Only the bravest knight of all can free her. Knight after knight is sure that he's the bravest, but they all fail in their quest. They get tangled up in the forest, lose their way in a cornfield, don't want to get their cloak dirty, become distracted or their horse lets them down. Luckily there's one fearless knight who doesn't let anything daunt them. Children's book written by Davide Cali . A colourful fairy tale with a modern twist. Somewhere far away, a beautiful princess called Tourmaline is imprisoned in a tall tower. Only the bravest knight of all can free her. Knight after knight is sure that he's the bravest, but they all fail in their quest. They get tangled up in the forest, lose their way in a cornfield, don't want to get their cloak dirty, become distracted or their horse lets them down. Luckily there's one fearless knight who doesn't let anything daunt them. AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY Award-winning author Davide Calì started writing children's books in 2000, and since then he has published more than 100 titles in over 30 countries. He is the author of the bestselling I Didn't Do My Homework Because. which has garnered nearly 50 editions across the series.

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