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Nouveautés en Papeterie
Nouveautés Livres d'enfants
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Journey on a Cloud

A Children's Book Inspired by Marc Chagall

ISBN: 9783791370576 (HB - E)

This book tells the story of the postman Zephyr, who lives in a little blue village in the mountains where nothing ever changes. A dreamer hoping for adventures, he travels on a cloud, embarking on a fantastic airborne journey that takes him to distant and colourful lands. Eventually Zephyr falls to earth and meets a beautiful young woman. Together they return to the postman's home village which is now transformed in Zephyr's eyes and begin their exciting new life together. Inspired by Chagall's masterpiece, a world of colour and imagination awaits the readers of this book. Paintings based on Chagall's striking palette and elegant lines help tell a simple yet poetic story. The book includes a gorgeous reproduction of Chagall's masterpiece 'Les Maries de la Tour Eiffel' ('The Bride and Groom of the Eiffel Tower'), illustrating a journey of words and pictures, and introducing young readers to the work of one of the most popular artists of the twentieth century

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