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JAAR > 2021
Nouveautés en Papeterie
Nouveautés Livres d'enfants
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I Saw A Beautiful Woodpecker

The Diary of a Young Boy at the Outbreak World War II

ISBN: 9783791374864 (HB - E)

It is the summer of 1939 in Warsaw, Poland and Michal is an eight-year-old boy just finishing his school year. In order to improve his handwriting, Michal's teacher gives him a simple assignment: keep a journal, writing one sentence a day. Eighty years later, Michal's diary has been gorgeously illustrated with beautifully atmospheric paintings. Eloquent in its simplicity, the journal is a remarkable artifact that captures the innocence of childhood and the trauma of war. The journal starts out with a typical boy's observations: "July 15: I went to a stream with my brother and teacher." "July 23: I found a caterpillar." However over the course of weeks, menacing details emerge. "July 27: A plane was circling over Anin." "September 1: The war has begun." "September 3: I hid from planes." "September 14: Warsaw is bravely defending itself." These haunting entries are interspersed with visits from relatives, a soccer game, a trip to a park, an ice cream cone. Photographs of pages from Michal's diary enhance the poignancy of this simple record--an ordinary holiday interrupted by war; a life changed forever by an extraordinary moment in history.

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