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9789085867449 9789085867449_01 9789085867449_02 9789085867449_03 9789085867449_04 9789085867449_05
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een uitzonderlijke Antwerpse familie - an outstanding Antwerp family

ISBN: 9789085867449 (HB - E/ NL)

By 1900, Antwerp was a European centre of growth with a port that had undergone extraordinary expansion. Just as it had done in the 16th century, the metropolis was attracting migrants from neighbouring countries. Shortly before the First World War, the German community in Antwerp was almost 20,000 strong. As a group they depended on the liberal, francophone bourgeoisie, becoming a new moneyed élite in the process. In the early 20th century there was one particular Antwerp family that played a prominent role in a whole variety of fields. This family undertook a range of initiatives, the impact of which was felt in Antwerp, in Belgium and even internationally. The driving force behind it all was the businessman and patron-of-the-arts Frans Franck. The art works donated by Frans and his brother Charles to the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp (KMSKA) are among the very best in its collection. Louis Franck, their older brother, was one of the most important Belgian politicians of his generation (alderman, Member of Parliament, minister and Governor of the National Bank). After the Second World War, Franck family descendants spread out across Europe, Asia and the United States. Author Erwin Joos spent more than 30 years working on this book which is based on his research of old archives, family photographs and works from the oeuvre of Eugeen Van Mieghem. The resulting book paints an atmospheric picture of a city and port that gave Antwerp's outstanding Franck family the opportunity to pursue and realize their dreams.

Auteur Erwin Joos, conservator van het Eugeen Van Mieghem Museum, werkte meer dan 30 jaar aan dit boek en kon rekenen op de steun en uniek nooit eerder gepubliceerd fotomateriaal van de familie.

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