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Walter Swennen. PIF

  • Lettre Volée - Art et Photographie
  • Expo: August 2004, MAC's, Grande-Hornu
Walter Swennen, depuis des décennies, inscrit sur papier des dessins ou des phrases et les entasse dans des cartons. Il en a ressorti un peu plus de 200 afin que l'on puisse s'y plonger. Painter Walter Swennen (Brussels, 1946) participated at exhibitions in Paris, Milan, Amsterdam and New York.

ISBN 9782873172251 | NL/ E/ F | PB
More Information
Publisher Lettre Volée - Art et Photographie
ISBN 9782873172251
Publication date April 2004
Edition Paperback
Dimensions 240 x 170 mm
Illustrations full col.ill.
Pages 240
Language(s) -> zie E/ F/ NL
Exhibition MAC's, Grande-Hornu
Publisher La Lettre Volée

Cette nouvelle collection a pour objectif de mettre en lumière le processus de création d'une oeuvre à travers l'accumulation de notes, de croquis, de textes. qui sont les bases d'une pensée destinée à trouver plus tard une formulation aboutie, à fonder l'expression du travail. Walter Swennen, depuis des décennies, inscrit sur papier des dessins ou des phrases et les entasse dans des cartons. Il en a ressorti un peu plus de 200 afin que l'on puisse s'y plonger. Croquis et mots sont donnés avec la légèreté d'un propos inaugural et en même temps indéterminé. Nous y verrons l'humour masquer la gravité et le détachement côtoyer une certaine forme de sagesse.
Nous suivrons, ainsi que le suggère cette collection, les traces subtiles de la mémoire qui s'inscrit jour après jour dans les formes les plus variées de la plume, du pinceau et du crayon.

Walter Swennen est né à Bruxelles en 1946. Artiste peintre, il a exposé depuis les années 1980 à Anvers, Bruxelles, Paris, Milan, Amsterdam, New York. Son travail a notamment été montré au Plateau (Paris) dans l'exposition collective « Voir en peinture ». Le livre sera présenté lors de l'exposition des dessins de Walter Swennen au Mac's (Musée des Arts contemporains au Grand-Hornu, Belgique) le 29 avril 2004.

As the days go by, we know, artists accumulate notes, sketches and texts-in short, scraps with no immediate consistency but which we guess are the origins of an idea that is destined later to find its finished form and to be the basis of a work.
Walter Swennen has, for decades, been putting drawings or sentences on paper and piling them up. From this daily exercise, he has taken a selection of just over 200 sketches. We will find humour masking seriousness and detachment going hand in hand with a sort of wisdom. And in Swennen's daily excursions, we find the Belgian artist's entire, sensitive mental view of the world, whose work has now generated a revived interest among collectors and critics.

Walter Swennen, born in Brussels in 1946, lives and works in Antwerp. As an artist, he has had exhibitions since the 1980s in Antwerp, Brussels, Paris, Milan, Amsterdam and New York. Many museums and centres for contemporary art have displayed his painted works. His pictorial productions have greatly influenced
young contemporary artists.

As the days go by, we know, artists accumulate notes, sketches and texts-in short, scraps with no immediate consistency but which we guess are the origins of an idea that is destined later to find its finished form and to be the basis of a work.
Walter Swennen has, for decades, been putting drawings or sentences on paper and piling them up. From this daily exercise, he has taken a selection of just over 200 sketches. We will find humour masking seriousness and detachment going hand in hand with a sort of wisdom. And in Swennen's daily excursions, we find the Belgian artist's entire, sensitive mental view of the world, whose work has now generated a revived interest among collectors and critics.

Walter Swennen, born in Brussels in 1946, lives and works in Antwerp. As an artist, he has had exhibitions since the 1980s in Antwerp, Brussels, Paris, Milan, Amsterdam and New York. Many museums and centres for contemporary art have displayed his painted works. His pictorial productions have greatly influenced
young contemporary artists.