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Veronese. The Profane Painter

  • Skira (T&H)
  • Musée du Luxembourg, Paris
  • P. De Vecchi, G. Romanelli, C. Strinati
This sumptuous exhibition catalogue aims to underline the profane aspect of Veronese, leaving aside his religious works and altarpieces. Not that these paintings are considered of less importance, but simply because they, however splendid, are less characteristic of the man. Veronese approached holy subjects in the same spirit as the "profane", choosing to bring out the emotional aspects of the Bible rather than the symbolic and evocative ones as other Venetian artists of his time were to do.

ISBN 9788884918680
More Information
Publisher Skira (T&H)
ISBN 9788884918680
Author(s) P. De Vecchi, G. Romanelli, C. Strinati
Publication date November 2004
Dimensions mm
Exhibition Musée du Luxembourg, Paris
Publisher Skira
Veronese. The Profane Painter

Veronese. The Profane Painter
