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The Key to the Museum. A visitor¹s guide to the RMAC

  • Africamuseum Tervuren (KMMA)
  • Africamuseum
Would you like to know more about the leopard man that inspired Hergé, the creator of OTintin¹? Are you intrigued by the remarkable social behaviour of termites? Or are you curious about the role of the banana in African eating habits? Do you have questions about the Oanonymity¹ of African artists in the past or about the way Europeans pictured Congo? The Museum Key looks for the answers to these and other questions via a number of striking Okey objects¹ from the permanent exhibition.

ISBN 9789075894585
More Information
Publisher Africamuseum Tervuren (KMMA)
ISBN 9789075894585
Publication date October 2003
Dimensions mm
Exhibition Africamuseum
Publisher Africamuseum