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Frederick H. Newman (Vienna 1900 - Wellington 1964):

Lectures on Architecture

  • A&S/Books UGent
  • Andrew Leach
This book presents Newman through his own archive of writing, and gives a first overview of his life and works in Vienna, in Russia (1932-1937), and in New Zealand, where Newman was appointed head of the Hydro-electric Design Office and responsible for all government housing design.

ISBN 9789076714172 | E | PB
More Information
Publisher A&S/Books UGent
ISBN 9789076714172
Author(s) Andrew Leach
Publication date June 2003
Edition Paperback
Dimensions 210 x 210 mm
Pages 222
Language(s) Eng. ed.
Publisher A&SBooks
Frederick H. Newman (Vienna 1900 - Wellington 1964):

Frederick H. Newman (Vienna 1900 - Wellington 1964):
