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Delightfully Useless Trivia

  • Brass Monkey (A&CB)
  • Brass Monkey, Galison
Trivia should be fun-not feel like a homework assignment. That's why this Delightfully Useless Trivia set by Brass Monkey is filled with some of the most pointless knowledge we could find…and even better, you'll choose your questions from a bunch of misleading categories. For example: 'Who's the Boss?' Those are questions about either Tony Danza or the Mafia, by the way.

ISBN 9780735376960 | EN | GAME
More Information
Publisher Brass Monkey (A&CB)
ISBN 9780735376960
Author(s) Brass Monkey, Galison
Publication date February 2023
Edition Game / Puzzle
Dimensions mm
Language(s) English ed.

Trivia should be fun–not feel like a homework assignment. That's why this Delightfully Useless Trivia set by Brass Monkey is filled with some of the most pointless knowledge we could find…and even better, you'll choose your questions from a bunch of misleading categories. For example: 'Who's the Boss?' Those are questions about either Tony Danza or the Mafia, by the way.

Delightfully Useless Trivia

Delightfully Useless Trivia
