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High Five

Greeting cards

  • Em & Friends - McDowell (A&CB)
  • Lisa Congdon
You can never give (or get) too many high fives. This Lisa Congdon card has eighteen. Is that too many? Of course not. She might have even put more, but there wasn't room. Created by Lisa Congdon for Emily McDowell & Friends.

ISBN 9781642445862 | E | SET
at this moment not in stock
More Information
Publisher Em & Friends - McDowell (A&CB)
ISBN 9781642445862
Author(s) Lisa Congdon
Publication date July 2019
Edition Set/ Pack
Dimensions 139 x 107 mm
Pages 1
Language(s) Eng. ed.

You can never give (or get) too many high fives. This Lisa Congdon card has eighteen. Is that too many? Of course not. She might have even put more, but there wasn't room. Created by Lisa Congdon for Emily McDowell & Friends.
Emily McDowell & Friends uses eco-friendly vegetable-based inks. Our cards are FSC–certified, and our envelopes are 100% recycled. In addition, our plastic card sleeves and MOQ inner bags are made from 10% recycled material, and are recyclable.

High Five

High Five
