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The Little Book of Shit Jokes

The Ultimate Collection of Jokes That Are So Bad They're Great

  • Hachette
  • Sid Finch
My mate was selling a television cheap because the volume was broken. I couldn’t turn it down. What’s black and white and bad all over? These jokes! Groaning with silly gags, classic crap wisecracks, naff knock-knocks, poor puns and lame one-liners, this book will make you cry until you laugh.

ISBN 9781787830288 | E | PB
More Information
Publisher Hachette
ISBN 9781787830288
Author(s) Sid Finch
Publication date October 2019
Edition Paperback
Dimensions 148 x 105 mm
Pages 96
Language(s) Eng. ed.
extra information Reprint

My mate was selling a television cheap because the volume was broken. I couldn’t turn it down.

What’s black and white and bad all over? These jokes! Groaning with silly gags, classic crap wisecracks, naff knock-knocks, poor puns and lame one-liners, this book will make you cry until you laugh.

The Little Book of Shit Jokes

The Little Book of Shit Jokes
