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The Reluctant Mage

Karen Miller

  • Little Brown (Hachette)
It's been months since Rafel ventured over Barl's Mountains into the unknown, in a desperate bid to seek help. With his father's Weather Magic exhausted and Lur ravaged by polluting magics, there seemed no other hope. Now this too has died.

ISBN 9781841497495 | E | B
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More Information
Publisher Little Brown (Hachette)
ISBN 9781841497495
Publication date July 2011
Edition Pb (B)
Dimensions mm
Language(s) Eng. ed.

It's been months since Rafel ventured over Barl's Mountains into the unknown, in a desperate bid to seek help. With his father's Weather Magic exhausted and Lur ravaged by polluting magics, there seemed no other hope. Now this too has died.

The Reluctant Mage

The Reluctant Mage
