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On a Sunbeam

Tillie Walden

  • Turnaround distributed publ
On a Sunbeam is the story of Mia, interwoven between her time as a rebellious schoolgirl at a boarding school in space and her time as crewmember aboard the spacecraft Aktis, where she travels the deepest reaches of space to rebuild and restore beautiful broken-down structures. As the past and present weave together, we discover more about Mia and her roots and how they connect with her present on Aktis. In Walden's words, 'The road ahead is not a comfortable, simple one.'

ISBN 9781910395370 | EN | HB
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More Information
Publisher Turnaround distributed publ (FIRM)
ISBN 9781910395370
Publication date October 2018
Edition Hardback
Dimensions mm
Language(s) English ed.

On a Sunbeam is the story of Mia, interwoven between her time as a rebellious schoolgirl at a boarding school in space and her time as crewmember aboard the spacecraft Aktis, where she travels the deepest reaches of space to rebuild and restore beautiful broken-down structures. As the past and present weave together, we discover more about Mia and her roots and how they connect with her present on Aktis. In Walden's words, 'The road ahead is not a comfortable, simple one.'