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Bridget Riley

Recent Paintings 2014–2017

  • David Zwirner Books
  • Bridget Riley
This publication unfolds along the lines of Riley's 2018 exhibition at David Zwirner, London. Beginning with an exploration of black-and-white equilateral triangles, Riley leads the viewer into an awareness of the ways in which a surface-wall or canvas-can affect a seemingly simple form: the triangle. While she demonstrates these subtle changes, Riley manipulates this form by bending its sides.

ISBN 9781941701911 | E | HB
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More Information
Publisher David Zwirner Books
ISBN 9781941701911
Author(s) Bridget Riley
Publication date October 2018
Edition Hardback
Dimensions mm
Illustrations 65 col. & bw ill.
Language(s) Eng. ed.

This publication unfolds along the lines of Riley’s 2018 exhibition at David Zwirner, London. Beginning with an exploration of black-and-white equilateral triangles, Riley leads the viewer into an awareness of the ways in which a surface—wall or canvas—can affect a seemingly simple form: the triangle. While she demonstrates these subtle changes, Riley manipulates this form by bending its sides. At first sight the viewer may experience this as a breaking apart, but as one continues to look, serpentine movements appear, or large shadowy triangles, which advance and recede. These paintings constantly reinvent themselves through looking.

Bridget Riley

Bridget Riley
