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Salamander's Wool

V Manuscript

  • Inpatient Press (RH US)
A grimoire carved in scarlet, Salamander’s Wool is the inaugural full-length collection of writing by V Manuscript, amalgamating a vast array of arcane rituals into an ensorcelling poetic corpus. To read Salamander’s Wool is to consort with spirits and scry with dæmons, a linguistic alchemy which transmutes both language and reader.

ISBN 9781965874103 | EN | TPB
not yet published
More Information
Publisher Inpatient Press (RH US)
ISBN 9781965874103
Publication date March 2025
Edition Trade Pb
Dimensions mm
Pages 224
Language(s) English ed.

A grimoire carved in scarlet, Salamander’s Wool is the inaugural full-length collection of writing by V Manuscript, amalgamating a vast array of arcane rituals into an ensorcelling poetic corpus. To read Salamander’s Wool is to consort with spirits and scry with dæmons, a linguistic alchemy which transmutes both language and reader.

Salamander's Wool

Salamander's Wool
