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Arne Quinze. Reclaiming Cities

  • Prisme Éditions
  • +PROMO+ New price ! Now 45 euro instead of 59 euro, Le Bocholtz, Maison International, Liège
  • Arne Quinze
Persuadé de l'influence positive de l'Art sur l'humanité, Arne Quinze poursuit à chaque instant sa quête de la société idéale, où chaque individu communique et interagit en équilibre avec son environnement. Ses multiples oeuvres, qui mêlent formes et matériaux différents, créent la rencontre du monde et de l'Art, et nous aident à chercher, nous aussi, la voie d'une cohésion sociale réussie et durable.

ISBN 9782930451190 | E/ F | HB
More Information
Publisher Prisme Éditions
ISBN 9782930451190
Author(s) Arne Quinze
Publication date July 2021
Edition Hardback
Dimensions 300 x 240 mm
Illustrations throughout col. & bw ill.
Pages 352
Language(s) Eng./Fr. ed.
Exhibition Le Bocholtz, Maison International, Liège

A firm believer in the positive influence Art has on humanity, Arne Quinze pursues his ongoing quest for the ideal society, where every individual communicates and interacts in balance with their environment.
His many works, which mix together different forms and materials, create a place where the world meets Art, helping us so that we, too, can find the way to successful and sustainable social cohesion.
From blueprints to construction, from models to architectural surveys, immerse yourself in the powerful creative process of this international artist, as he invests in public spaces: in New York, Shanghai, London, São Paulo, Brussels - and most recently in Liège, in front of the Hôtel de Bocholtz, where Natural Chaos challenges us.

A firm believer in the positive influence Art has on humanity, Arne Quinze pursues his ongoing quest for the ideal society, where every individual communicates and interacts in balance with their environment.
His many works, which mix together different forms and materials, create a place where the world meets Art, helping us so that we, too, can find the way to successful and sustainable social cohesion.
From blueprints to construction, from models to architectural surveys, immerse yourself in the powerful creative process of this international artist, as he invests in public spaces: in New York, Shanghai, London, São Paulo, Brussels - and most recently in Liège, in front of the Hôtel de Bocholtz, where Natural Chaos challenges us.

Arne Quinze. Reclaiming Cities

Arne Quinze. Reclaiming Cities
