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Olympian Gods

From the Dresden Sculpture Collection

  • Prestel
  • Stephan Koja, Michael Philipp, Ortrud Westheider
Featuring ancient Greek and Roman sculpture, this book explores the artistic history and legacy of ancient god statues. For people in antique Greece, ornately and imposingly fashioned statues depicted the gods and symbolized power or ideal beauty. During the Roman Empire, when sculptors copied Greek models, the sculptures conveyed an aura of education and scholarship. This volume showcases antique sculptures that represent the most important Greek Olympian gods.

ISBN 9783791358284 | E | PB
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Publisher Prestel
ISBN 9783791358284
Author(s) Stephan Koja, Michael Philipp, Ortrud Westheider
Publication date December 2018
Edition Paperback
Dimensions 298 x 241 mm
Pages 96
Language(s) Eng. ed.

Featuring ancient Greek and Roman sculpture, this book explores the artistic history and legacy of ancient god statues. For people in antique Greece, ornately and imposingly fashioned statues depicted the gods and symbolized power or ideal beauty. During the Roman Empire, when sculptors copied Greek models, the sculptures conveyed an aura of education and scholarship. This volume showcases antique sculptures that represent the most important Greek Olympian gods. Culled from the collection of the The Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, this book features objects ranging from the 5th to the 4th century, B.C.E., and includes works by Phidias, Myron, Polyclitus, and Praxiteles. The sculptures express the Greek ideal of beauty and the remarkable creative powers of these artists as well as the evolving ways gods were portrayed--from solemn and religiously formal to natural and graceful figures.

Olympian Gods

Olympian Gods
