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The Sound of Mountains

  • teNeues (firm only)
  • by Guerel Sahin
It is perhaps precisely because they are often shot in extreme situations that Sahin''s breathtaking mountain panoramas, photographs of mountain lakes, and rugged landscapes are such a social media hit. Now, for the first time, he gathers his most awe-inspiring photographs in one volume, sharing insights into his life and work. In images and words, the acclaimed star photographer shares his own emotional world in a paradigm of "Generation Instagram."

ISBN 9783961711093 | E/ F/ G | HB
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More Information
Publisher teNeues (firm only)
ISBN 9783961711093
Author(s) Guerel Sahin
Publication date June 2018
Edition Hardback
Dimensions 223 x 287 mm
Illustrations 90 col. & bw ill.
Pages 240
Language(s) Eng./Fr./Germ. ed.
4:30 in the morning, trekking in the open wilderness of the Alps, 2,900 meters above sea level, storm clouds disappearing behind the nearest mountain, the sun rising- these are the moments when Guerel Sahin captures his best outdoor photographs. It is perhaps precisely because they are often shot in extreme situations that Sahin''s breathtaking mountain panoramas, photographs of mountain lakes, and rugged landscapes are such a social media hit. Thousands follow him on Instagram et al., while a wide audience also knows him as the face of Jack Wolfskin. Now, for the first time, he gathers his most awe-inspiring photographs in one volume, sharing insights into his life and work. where does this longing for untouched, authentic nature come from? How does it feel to reach a mountain summit by sunrise? What if, contrary to expectations, an entire vista is obscured by clouds and photography becomes impossible? In images and words, the acclaimed star photographer shares his own emotional world in a paradigm of "Generation Instagram." Sahin''s book is for those whom the next mountain peak and open nature cannot be close enough-for all hikers, climbers, and outdoor junkies.

4h30 du matin, trekking dans l''immensité des Alpes, 2.900 mètres au-dessus du niveau de la mer, des nuages d''orage disparaissent derrière les montagnes les plus proches, le soleil se lève - tels sont les moments durant lesquels Guerel Sahin fait ses meilleures photographies en extérieur. C''est certainement parce qu''elles sont souvent prises dans des situations extrêmes que ses impressionnants panoramas montagneux, ses photographies de lacs de montagnes, ses paysages puissants ont un tel succès. Ils sont des milliers à le suivre sur Instagram, tandis qu''un large public le connaît comme ambassadeur de Jack Wolfskin. Pour la première fois, il rassemble ses photographies les plus impressionnantes, et partage avec nous des idéaux de vie et de travail en un livre d''exception. D''où vient ce désir de nature authentique et intacte ? Que ressent-on lorsqu''on atteint le sommet d''une montagne au lever du soleil ? Qu''en est-il quand, contre toute prévision, tout est obscurci par les nuages et que la photographie devient impossible à prendre ? À force d''images et de textes, le photographe partage son propre mode émotionnel dans le paradigme d''une « génération Instagram ». Le livre de Sahin est fait pour ceux pour qui le prochain pic montagneux et la nature intacte ne seront jamais assez proches - pour tous les randonneurs, les grimpeurs, les junkies de grands espaces.