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Hiroto Inoue

Funny Style

  • Stichting Kunstboek - Green
  • by Hiroto Inoue. Photography by Kiyokazu Nakajima
Hiroto Inoue studied architectural engineering and worked at a construction company for ten years before changing careers. He opened a flower shop and dedicated most of his time to commercial flower designs, especially wedding flower decoration. The designs in this book show Hiroto Inoue from a different, far more personal side. Whether his background in engineering has something to do with it or not, Inoue excels in creating intricate geometric designs and compositions that often seem to defy gravity.

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ISBN 9789058566393 | E | HB
More Information
Publisher Stichting Kunstboek - Green
ISBN 9789058566393
Author(s) Hiroto Inoue. Photography by Kiyokazu Nakajima
Publication date January 2021
Edition Hardback
Dimensions 330 x 245 mm
Illustrations 50+ col. & bw ill.
Pages 96
Language(s) Eng. ed.
extra information Previously announced in 2020.

Hiroto Inoue studied architectural engineering and worked at a construction company for ten years before changing careers. He opened a flower shop and dedicated most of his time to commercial flower designs, especially wedding flower decoration. The designs in this book show Hiroto Inoue from a different, far more personal side. Whether his background in engineering has something to do with it or not, Inoue excels in creating intricate geometric designs and compositions that often seem to defy gravity. He constructs solid and firm backdrops for his flowers with the thinnest and humblest of materials: slender blades of grasses, orchid roots, slithers of bamboo, strips of wood veneer and especially paper. These fascinating, carefully constructed backgrounds are adorned with few or just one single flower. It results in stunning designs that perfectly balance manmade and natural materials, structure and spontaneity.

Hiroto Inoue werkte tien jaar als bouwkundig ingenieur toen hij een radicale carrièreswitch maakte. Hij opende een bloemenwinkel waar hij zich vooral toelegde op commercieel werk, in het bijzonder decoraties voor huwelijken en events. De ontwerpen in deze eerste monografi e tonen Hiroto Inoue echter van een andere, meer persoonlijke kant. Of zijn achtergrond als ingenieur er iets mee te maken heeft of niet, Inoue blinkt uit in het creëren van complexe geometrische vormen en composities die de zwaarte kracht lijken te tarten. Met de slankste en nederigste materialen - grassprieten, orchideeënwortels, stroken bamboe, houtfi neer en vooral papier - construeert hij solide achtergronden waartegen zijn bloemen, of vaak een enkele bloem, in al hun eigenheid kunnen stralen. Het resultaat zijn fascinerende ontwerpen met een perfecte balans tussen structuur en spontaniteit.

Hiroto Inoue studied architectural engineering and worked at a construction company for ten years before changing careers. He opened a flower shop and dedicated most of his time to commercial flower designs, especially wedding flower decoration. The designs in this book show Hiroto Inoue from a different, far more personal side. Whether his background in engineering has something to do with it or not, Inoue excels in creating intricate geometric designs and compositions that often seem to defy gravity. He constructs solid and firm backdrops for his flowers with the thinnest and humblest of materials: slender blades of grasses, orchid roots, slithers of bamboo, strips of wood veneer and especially paper. These fascinating, carefully constructed backgrounds are adorned with few or just one single flower. It results in stunning designs that perfectly balance manmade and natural materials, structure and spontaneity.

Hiroto Inoue studied architectural engineering and worked at a construction company for ten years before changing careers. He opened a flower shop and dedicated most of his time to commercial flower designs, especially wedding flower decoration. The designs in this book show Hiroto Inoue from a different, far more personal side. Whether his background in engineering has something to do with it or not, Inoue excels in creating intricate geometric designs and compositions that often seem to defy gravity. He constructs solid and firm backdrops for his flowers with the thinnest and humblest of materials: slender blades of grasses, orchid roots, slithers of bamboo, strips of wood veneer and especially paper. These fascinating, carefully constructed backgrounds are adorned with few or just one single flower. It results in stunning designs that perfectly balance manmade and natural materials, structure and spontaneity.

Hiroto Inoue

Hiroto Inoue
