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Heilige Boeken / Sacred Books
Jodendom, christendom en islam / Judaism, christianity and islam
- Expo: 19/9/2014 - 21/12/2014, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Antwerpen
More Information
Publisher | BAI |
ISBN | 9789085866732 |
Publication date | September 2014 |
Edition | Hardback |
Dimensions | 255 x 200 mm |
Illustrations | throughout col.ill. |
Pages | 176 |
Language(s) | Eng./ NL ed. |
Exhibition | Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Antwerpen |
De Tenach, de Bijbel en de Koran zijn wereldberoemde 'heilige' boeken met een eeuwenoude geschiedenis. Ook vandaag zijn deze boeken nog steeds essentieel en betekenisvol. Ze staan centraal in de geloofsbeleving van joden, christenen en moslims.
Deze rijk geïllustreerde catalogus vertelt over de vorm, de inhoud, het gebruik en de studie van Tenach, Bijbel en Koran. Drie curatoren (Pierre Delsaerdt, Geert Lernout en Jo Van Steenbergen) selecteerden 45 unieke objecten - 15 uit elke traditie - en lichten de bijzonderheden van elk stuk toe. Het essay van Emilio Platti contextualiseert de gelijkenissen en verschillen tussen deze drie heilige boeken en Herman Van Goethem ontrafelt de herkomst van een Thorarol die in de Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience wordt bewaard. Aanvullend op deze historiserende invalshoek tonen essays van Julien Klener, Johan Bonny en Ahmed Azzouz aan hoe levend en relevant de boektradities ook vandaag nog zijn.
The Tanakh, the Bible and the Qur'an are 'sacred' books known throughout the world and with a history dating back over centuries. Today these books are still as elemental and significant as they ever were. They are at the heart of religious life for Jews, Christians and Muslims.
This richly illustrated catalogue discusses the structure and content of Tanakh, Bible and Qur'an and explains how these books function in religious practice and study. Three curators (Pierre Delsaerdt, Geert Lernout and Jo Van Steenbergen) have selected forty-five unique exhibits - fifteen from each religion - and elaborate on particular aspects of each piece. The essay by Emilio Platti puts into context the similarities and differences between these three sacred books, while Herman Van Goethem unravels the origins of a Torah scroll kept at the Hendrik Conscience Heritage Library. In addition to this historical approach, essays by Julien Klener, Johan Bonny and Ahmed Azzouz demonstrate the vitality and relevance still enjoyed by these religious books today.
Judaism, Christianity and islam
Sacred Places Sacred Books is a fascinating exhibition about three world religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Even though they are all different, they are also alike, strikingly so. We take you on an exciting journey and look at what the Sacred books and Sacred places mean for us now.
Sacred Books - Hendrik Conscience Heritage Library
The three holy books, Tanakh, Bible and Quran, each give meaning to the relationship between God and man. The divine revelations were cast in book form centuries ago. This exhibition illustrates the complex interconnectedness of the three books and tells what their significance is to billions of believers. The intimate atmosphere of the Nottebohm Room offers the ideal backdrop for the ancient, sacred texts, manuscripts and printed books.
Heilige Boeken / Sacred Books