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Unrivalled Art.

Spellbinding Artefacts at the Royal Museum for Central Africa

  • BAI
  • Ed.: Julien Volper
This book, which is being published to mark the opening of the museum, unveils an ensemble of 77 important works from the collection held by the Royal Museum for Central Africa. A range of academics, conservators, and experts on African art provides an examination and analysis of each of these pieces. Many of the works brought together here can be found in the gallery assigned to the temporary exhibition Unrivalled Art. Others can be encountered in the rooms devoted to the permanent exhibition.

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ISBN 9789085867760 | E | HB
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Publisher BAI
ISBN 9789085867760
Author(s) Ed.: Julien Volper
Publication date December 2018
Edition Hardback
Dimensions 260 x 215 mm
Pages 176
Language(s) Eng. ed.
Publisher ISBN 9789085867753 (NL) ISBN 9789085867777 (F) ISBN 9789085867784 (G)

This book, which is being published to mark the opening of the museum, unveils an ensemble of 77 important works from the collection held by the Royal Museum for Central Africa. A range of academics, conservators, and experts on African art provides an examination and analysis of each of these pieces. Many of the works brought together here can be found in the gallery assigned to the temporary exhibition Unrivalled Art. Others can be encountered in the rooms devoted to the permanent exhibition. And some of the works afford a glimpse behind the scenes at the RMCA, in the hushed atmosphere of the depots, about which the general public is largely unaware. Researcher and curator Julien Volper has selected pieces that come not only from the Congo, but also from other countries, such as Angola or Gabon. Sometimes they are physical testaments to lost cultures dating from the eighth to tenth century, or even dating to tens of thousands of years ago! However, most of the works belong to the more recent period of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. All of these masks, statuettes, ivories, weapons, receptacles and other artefacts express a genuine creativity - a creativity described so aptly in 1919 by the theorist Vladimir Markov: '[…] this [African] art is unrivalled anywhere else in the world.'

Finaliste du prix FILAF 2019

Our book Art sans pareil, objects merveilleux du Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale by Julien Volper (ed.) has been selected for the FILAF 2019 official competition by an independent scientific committee among 500 artbooks from the world.
FILAF is the International Artbook and Film Festival. It stands every year in Perpignan, south of France. It aims to select and award the bests books and films on art, worlwide. More informations on and our facebook

Unrivalled Art.

Unrivalled Art.
