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Shared Passion

An African Art Collection built in the XXIst Century

  • Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
  • by Bruno Claessens, Michel Vandenkerckhove , Didier Claes, Hughes Dubois (photography)
Although considered the cradle of mankind, the most recent history of the African continent has long been shrouded in mystery. Without leaving any written records, many civilizations rose and disappeared again, only leaving majestic works of art as witnesses of their greatness. Most of these forgotten cultures were only rediscovered throughout the 20th century, often by accident, and scholarship has been struggling to put the puzzle pieces of the last millennia of the African continent back together.

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ISBN 9789462303317 | EN | HB
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Publisher Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
ISBN 9789462303317
Author(s) Bruno Claessens, Michel Vandenkerckhove , Didier Claes, Hughes Dubois (photography)
Publication date August 2023
Edition Hardback
Dimensions 310 x 280 mm
Illustrations 300 col. & bw ill.
Pages 352
Language(s) English ed.
extra information Previously announced
Publisher ISBN 9789462303324 (FR)

Although considered the cradle of mankind, the most recent history of the African continent has long been shrouded in mystery. Without leaving any written records, many civilizations rose and disappeared again, only leaving majestic works of art as witnesses of their greatness. Most of these forgotten cultures were only rediscovered throughout the 20th century, often by accident, and scholarship has been struggling to put the puzzle pieces of the last millennia of the African continent back together.

Shared Passion: de titel van dit boek vat de inzet, het geduld en de strenge kwaliteitseisen samen waarmee kunsthandelaar Didier Claes en verzamelaars Michel en Anne Vdk in zeventien jaar tijd een belangrijke collectie klassieke Afrikaanse kunst opbouwden.
Hoewel het Afrikaanse continent beschouwd wordt als de wieg van de mensheid, is zijn recente geschiedenis lange tijd gehuld in mysterie. Zonder enig geschreven spoor na te laten, zijn er talloze beschavingen ontstaan om vervolgens weer te verdwijnen, met majestueuze kunstwerken als enige getuigen van hun grootsheid.
Het Mercatorfonds publiceert een rijk geïllustreerde geschiedenis van dit gedeelde avontuur en tijdens Parcours des Mondes in Parijs vormt een tentoonstelling de gelegenheid om het boek voor te stellen.

"Waar het ook gaat, wat het ook besluit te doen, onze kunst kan zich wenden tot creatief Afrika en daar bevestiging vinden, omdat Afrikaanse kunst het Europese heden altijd een stap voor is." - Tom Phillips

Bruno Claessens (1983) is a passionate art expert with 15 years of ample experience in the African art market. From 2010 until 2012, he was the archivist of the Yale University-van Rijn Archive of African Art, before starting as an independent expert in African art, advisor and curator. Claessens has published three books on African art (Ere Ibeji (2013), Baule Monkeys (2016), Unû - Prestigious African Weapons (2021)) and runs a popular blog on the subject since 2013. Claessens was the European director of the African art department at Christie's for 5 years. In 2021 he founded Duende Art Projects, an innovative gallery concept, wishing to strengthen Africa's visibility and significance within the art world through curated exhibitions on unique locations.

Bien que le continent africain soit considéré comme le berceau de l'humanité, son histoire récente a longtemps été enveloppée de mystère. Sans laisser de traces écrites, de nombreuses civilisations ont surgi pour disparaître à nouveau, avec de majestueuses oeuvres d'art comme seuls témoins de leur grandeur. La plupart de ces cultures oubliées n'ont été redécouvertes que dans le courant du 20e siècle, souvent par accident, et la recherche s'est efforcée de reconstituer le puzzle des derniers millénaires du continent africain.

Bruno Claessens (1983)
est un expert en art passionné avec 15 ans d'expérience sur le marché de l'art africain. De 2010 à 2012, il a été archiviste des archives d'art africain Van Rijn à l'Université de Yale, avant de se lancer comme spécialiste indépendant de l'art africain, conseiller et commissaire d'exposition. Claessens a publié trois livres sur l'art africain et tient un blog populaire sur ce sujet depuis 2013. Claessens a été pendant cinq ans le Directeur européen du département d'art africain de Christie's. En 2021, il a fondé Duende Art Projects, un concept de galerie innovant, dans le but de renforcer la visibilité et l'importance de l'Afrique dans le monde de l'art à travers des expositions organisées dans des lieux uniques.

Objets anciens - Fétiches de divination magiques - Ancêtre spirituel - Masque cérémoniel - Emblèmes du pouvoir, art de cour - Sociétés secrètes - Parures Ikoko - Vie quotidienne

Although considered the cradle of mankind, the most recent history of the African continent has long been shrouded in mystery. Without leaving any written records, many civilizations rose and disappeared again, only leaving majestic works of art as witnesses of their greatness. Most of these forgotten cultures were only rediscovered throughout the 20th century, often by accident, and scholarship has been struggling to put the puzzle pieces of the last millennia of the African continent back together.

Bruno Claessens (1983)
is a passionate art expert with 15 years of ample experience in the African art market. From 2010 until 2012, he was the archivist of the Yale University-van Rijn Archive of African Art, before starting as an independent expert in African art, advisor and curator. Claessens has published three books on African art (Ere Ibeji (2013), Baule Monkeys (2016), Unû - Prestigious African Weapons (2021)) and runs a popular blog on the subject since 2013. Claessens was the European director of the African art department at Christie's for 5 years. In 2021 he founded Duende Art Projects, an innovative gallery concept, wishing to strengthen Africa's visibility and significance within the art world through curated exhibitions on unique locations.