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From Scribble to Cartoon

Drawings from Bruegel to Rubens in Flemish Collections

  • Artha Books
  • Expo: 17/11/2023 - 18/02/2024, Museum Plantin-Moretus, Antwerp - 22/3/2024 - 23/6/2024, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
  • Viginie D'haene, Saskia van Altena, An Van Camp, Sarah van Ooteghem & Ilona van Tuinen
Sixteenth and seventeenth Flemish drawing is generally considered as one of the highlights of Western art history. The lavishly illustrated book From Scribble to Cartoon visualizes and contextualizes a selection of the most beautiful Flemish drawings by renowned artists such as Bruegel, Rubens, Van Dyck, Jordaens, Fyt, Quellinus, Boeckhorst, De Vos … Three scholarly essays examine the different functions of drawings in the age of Bruegel and Rubens; and ca 85 master drawings are discussed at length.

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ISBN 9789464368130 | EN | HB
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Publisher Artha Books
ISBN 9789464368130
Author(s) Viginie D'haene, Saskia van Altena, An Van Camp, Sarah van Ooteghem & Ilona van Tuinen
Publication date November 2023
Edition Hardback
Dimensions 305 x 240 mm
Illustrations 300 col.ill.
Pages 320
Language(s) English ed.
Exhibition Museum Plantin-Moretus, Antwerp - 22/3/2024 - 23/6/2024, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford

Vlaamse tekeningen uit de 16de en 17de eeuw behoren tot de hoogtepunten van de westerse kunstgeschiedenis. Kunstenaars maakten tekeningen als ontwerp voor andere kunstwerken, om afzonderlijke motieven te bestuderen, om herinneringen vast te leggen, om een repertorium van studiemateriaal aan te leggen… Soms waren tekeningen ook autonome kunstwerken. In From Scribble to Cartoon staan functies, technieken en materialen van de tekenkunst centraal. De lezer wordt uitgedaagd om voorbij het afgebeelde onderwerp te kijken naar het doel dat de tekeningen dienden en waarom de kunstenaar daarbij koos voor bepaalde materialen, technieken, formaat en afmetingen. Dat alles aan de hand van een ruime selectie van 85 meestertekeningen bewaard in de verzamelingen van het Museum Plantin-Moretus en andere Vlaamse collecties. Topstukken van grootmeesters als Bruegel, Pieter Coecke van Aelst, Cornelis Floris, Rubens, Van Dyck, Jordaens, Jan Fijt passeren de revue maar evenzeer de recent ontdekte en zeldzame tekeningen van Paul Vredeman de Vries en werken van Joris Hoefnagel, Hendrick van Balen en Johannes Stradanus, of het verbluffende schetsboekje van de twaalfjarige Rubens, het tien meter lange Panorama van Zeeland van Anthonis van den Wijngaerde en de uiterst zeldzame Italië-schetsboekjes van de beeldhouwer Pieter Verbruggen.
De publicatie is het resultaat van het jarenlange onderzoek van talrijke specialisten in de Vlaamse tekenkunst. Ze verschijnt naar aanleiding van de gelijknamige tentoonstelling in Antwerpen en Oxford met de steun van The Paper Project, een initiatief van the Getty Foundation.


A selection of 85 Flemish drawings gives an astonishing and representative overview of the art of drawing in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The publication focusses on the drawings subjects and compositions but also on how and why they were created and why an artist chose specific materials, techniques, formats and even sizes. It provides a framework to allow to see drawings in the functional context for which they were created. Renowned specialists in Flemish drawing discuss rare artworks by famous draughtsmen as Frans Floris, Peter Paul Rubens, Anthony Van Dyck, Jacques Jordaens, Otto van Veen, Jan Fijt but also hidden treasures such as the 10 meters long Panorama of Zeeland by Antoon van den Wijngaerde, a sketchbook of the 12 years old Rubens, recently discovered drawings by Hans Vredeman de Vries, the extremely rare Italy-sketchbooks by the sculptor Pieter Verbruggen and a newly discovered book-illustration design by Rubens for the Plantin Press.

About the Author
Virginie D’haene: Curator Prints and Drawings, Museum Plantin-Moretus, Antwerp
An Van Camp: Christopher Brown Curator of Northern European Art, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Ilona van Tuinen: Head of Printroom, Rijksprentenkabinet, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Sarah Van Ooteghem, Curator of Modern Drawings, Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels
Saskia van Altena: Junior Curator Drawings and Prints, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

A selection of 85 Flemish drawings gives an astonishing and representative overview of the art of drawing in the age of Bruegel and Rubens.

-Lavishly illustrated publication on Flemish Drawings
-Works of major artists such as
-Different functions of drawings in 16th and 17th centuries studied at length
-Written by foremost authorities in the field
-Accompanying two major exhibitions, one in Antwerp, one in Oxford
-Selected by the Getty Foundation for the Grant The Paper Project: Prints and Drawings Curatorship in the 21st Century

A selection of 85 Flemish drawings gives an astonishing and representative overview of the art of drawing in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The publication focusses on the drawings subjects and compositions but also on how and why they were created and why an artist chose specific materials, techniques, formats and even sizes. It provides a framework to allow to see drawings in the functional context for which they were created. Renowned specialists in Flemish drawing discuss rare artworks by famous draughtsmen as Frans Floris, Peter Paul Rubens, Anthony Van Dyck, Jacques Jordaens, Otto van Veen, Jan Fijt but also hidden treasures such as the 10 meters long Panorama of Zeeland by Antoon van den Wijngaerde, a sketchbook of the 12 years old Rubens, recently discovered drawings by Hans Vredeman de Vries, the extremely rare Italy-sketchbooks by the sculptor Pieter Verbruggen and a newly discovered book-illustration design by Rubens for the Plantin Press.

A selection of 85 Flemish drawings gives an astonishing and representative overview of the art of drawing in the age of Bruegel and Rubens.

-Lavishly illustrated publication on Flemish Drawings
-Works of major artists such as
-Different functions of drawings in 16th and 17th centuries studied at length
-Written by foremost authorities in the field
-Accompanying two major exhibitions, one in Antwerp, one in Oxford
-Selected by the Getty Foundation for the Grant The Paper Project: Prints and Drawings Curatorship in the 21st Century

A selection of 85 Flemish drawings gives an astonishing and representative overview of the art of drawing in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The publication focusses on the drawings subjects and compositions but also on how and why they were created and why an artist chose specific materials, techniques, formats and even sizes. It provides a framework to allow to see drawings in the functional context for which they were created. Renowned specialists in Flemish drawing discuss rare artworks by famous draughtsmen as Frans Floris, Peter Paul Rubens, Anthony Van Dyck, Jacques Jordaens, Otto van Veen, Jan Fijt but also hidden treasures such as the 10 meters long Panorama of Zeeland by Antoon van den Wijngaerde, a sketchbook of the 12 years old Rubens, recently discovered drawings by Hans Vredeman de Vries, the extremely rare Italy-sketchbooks by the sculptor Pieter Verbruggen and a newly discovered book-illustration design by Rubens for the Plantin Press.

From Scribble to Cartoon

From Scribble to Cartoon
