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Posture 05: The Big Convoy

Dirk Zoete

  • Posture Editions
  • by Door Koen Van Synghel , Dirk Zoete (Illustrator)
ISBN 9789491262067 | NL | HB
out of print
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Publisher Posture Editions
ISBN 9789491262067
Author(s) Door Koen Van Synghel , Dirk Zoete (Illustrator)
Publication date March 2013
Edition Hardback
Dimensions 297 x 210 mm
Pages 160
Language(s) Dutch (NL) ed.

‘Look! Look, exclamation mark. This is the task encapsulated within Dirk Zoete’s (b. 1969) ensemble of drawings entitled Scènes. They ask you to look and listen because, like theatre productions, the drawings speak. Except this is a theatre without words. In theatre, as in all good narratives, enough space must be left between the lines for people to be able to fill in their own interpretations. But ‘look!’ is the message. Scènes plays within the gaps of what is visible, the deficiencies in memory, the twilight zone between knowing and feeling, the bridge between reality and imagination. Look, and you will soon begin to see the development of multiple sets of drawings. A drawing is drawn over. Even better, the picture of a drawing is drawn over. Dirk Zoete’s drawings are not a palimpsest in the strict sense of the word, but more like archaeological layers within the genesis of quasi-cinematic production drawings.’
From: ‘Dirk Zoete and the World as a Stage’ Koen Van Synghel in: The Big Convoy

Posture 05: The Big Convoy

Posture 05: The Big Convoy
