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Posture Pockets N° 6: Walter Swennen

‘(what the body can do)’

  • Posture Editions
  • by Tom Mason, Walter Swennen
Walter Swennen (b. 1946) is known for his radical, experiential and associative approach to painting, which is perhaps best summarised as a belief in the total autonomy of the artwork. For Swennen, a painting does not need to be 'emotive' or 'understood': the primary goal of painting is, quite simply, painting. Everything-form, colour, subject-comes from the outside. A poet before he became a painter, it is no coincidence that language plays a vital role in his practice.

ISBN 9789491262661 | EN-FR | HB
More Information
Publisher Posture Editions
ISBN 9789491262661
Author(s) by Tom Mason, Walter Swennen
Publication date February 2025
Edition Hardback
Dimensions 195 x 130 mm
Pages 112
Language(s) Eng/ French edition

Walter Swennen (b. 1946) is known for his radical, experiential and associative approach to painting, which is perhaps best summarised as a belief in the total autonomy of the artwork. For Swennen, a painting does not need to be 'emotive' or 'understood': the primary goal of painting is, quite simply, painting. Everything-form, colour, subject-comes from the outside. A poet before he became a painter, it is no coincidence that language plays a vital role in his practice.

This new publication contains 40 paintings and gouaches created between 2018 and 2022, the integral exhibition at Galerie Nicolas Krupp, Basel (04.11.2022 - 18.01.2023). 'What the body can do' is a series of works on paper, arising from palette and test sheets. These were used to try out certain colour combinations, layers, gestures and brush movements, and other 'preparatory' activities in the service of his paintings. When Swennen came across them later, he saw that some paintings needed only minor changes or additions before leading to a resolution.

'Painting is a physical activity, evidence of which can be found as much in the mess, debris and accidental side creations in the studio as in the finished canvases. All the actions of painting pass through the body. Yet when seeing these works one is only vaguely aware that one has made them, Swennen will muse, "it is hard to tell which of me did it".'

The book includes a text by British visual artist and writer Tom Mason (EN/FR), who has been actively following Walter's work for 15 years. Walter Swennen himself adds some thoughts. Walter Swennen (b 1946 Brussels) studied philosophy, switched to psychology and later taught psychoanalysis. He initially started out as a poet and happening artist before turning to painting in the early 1980s.This publication cameabout with the help of gallery Xavier Hufkens.

The book launch will take place at WIELS, Brussels.

Posture Pockets N° 6: Walter Swennen

Posture Pockets N° 6: Walter Swennen
