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More Than a Competition

The Open Call in a Changing Building Culture

  • VAi - Flanders Archit. Institute
  • Redactie: Maarten Liefooghe, Maarten Van Den Driessche
Flanders has had a Government Architect since 1999. The Government Architect advises public commissio­ning authorities with the aim of promoting the quality of architecture and the built environment. One of the methods used for this purpose is the Open Call. In the essays in this book, eight authors discuss, from dif­ferent perspectives, why this influential 'competition' is not quite an architecture competition while at the same time being much more.

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ISBN 9789492567239 | EN | PB
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Publisher VAi - Flanders Archit. Institute
ISBN 9789492567239
Author(s) Redactie: Maarten Liefooghe, Maarten Van Den Driessche
Publication date December 2021
Edition Paperback
Dimensions 200 x 140 mm
Pages 140
Language(s) English ed.
Publisher ISBN 9789492567222 (NL)

Flanders has had a Government Architect since 1999. The Government Architect advises public commissio­ning authorities with the aim of promoting the quality of architecture and the built environment. One of the methods used for this purpose is the Open Call. In the essays in this book, eight authors discuss, from dif­ferent perspectives, why this influential 'competition' is not quite an architecture competition while at the same time being much more.

Did architectural criticism in the 1990s help to pave the way for the Government Architect position and the Open Call? Does the key to quality lie in smart procedures? What is a 'strong' public commissioner in a democratic system? What does the Flemish Government Architect do and what has the Open Call achieved over the past twenty years? What do the distinct projects mean in their broader spatial context? Can architects satisfy a collective desire with singular designs? To what extent is the Open Call in line with the broadening of the practice of architecture and the evolving competition culture? Looking back on two decades of public commissions, this book presents current reflections on these issues.

Editors: Maarten Liefooghe, Maarten Van Den Driessche
Design: ruttens-wille
Copy-editing: Cateau Robberechts (NL), Francisca Rojas del Canto (EN)
Translations: D'Laine Camp, Patrick Lennon

With texts by Sofie De Caigny, Alice Haddad, Maarten Liefooghe, Carlo Menon, Véronique Patteeuw, Maarten Van Den Driessche, Beatriz Van Houtte Alonso, Erik Wieërs

More Than a Competition

More Than a Competition
