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Laurent Baheux. Elephant

  • Expo: Sept. 2021, Espace Braque, pop up Hemeria. Avec Elephant, Laurent Baheux raconte presque 20 années de rencontres
  • Laurent Baheux
Avec Elephant, Laurent Baheux raconte presque 20 années de rencontres inoubliables avec cet animal emblématique de l'Afrique, au Kenya, en Namibie, en Afrique du Sud, au Botswana, en Zambie ou en Tanzanie. Ce livre offre le spectacle d'un face-à-face intime avec l'animal, ici traité comme un sujet à part entière à égalité avec l'homme, et il nous incite à prendre le temps de le contempler, pour mieux nous interroger sur notre relation au monde sauvage et notre relation aux animaux qui le peuplent.

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ISBN 9782490952229 | EN-FR | HB
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Publisher HEMERIA
ISBN 9782490952229
Author(s) Laurent Baheux
Publication date October 2021
Edition Hardback
Dimensions 290 x 240 mm
Illustrations throughout col. & bw ill. | 60 duotone ill.
Pages 120
Language(s) Eng/ French edition
Exhibition Espace Braque, pop up Hemeria. Avec Elephant, Laurent Baheux raconte presque 20 années de rencontres

This book offers an incomparable spectacle, that of an intimate face-to-face with the animal, here treated as a subject in its own right, on an equal footing with man, and it encourages us to take the time to contemplate it, to better question our relationship to the wild world and our place in it.
And if the photographer has long since chosen black and white, it is to better play with the incomparable light of Africa, its singular purity that gives the feeling of being in direct contact with the material, without filter.
Laurent Baheux's approach is not that of a naturalist or ethology-loving photographer, he does not seek to describe behavior or to unravel the mystery of a sensitive area of the animal that has remained unknown until now.
What he finds with African elephants is the feeling of a rediscovered plenitude, of wonder at the world, of a rebirth, of a reconnection with the living. Far from the crowds and the urban world, it is in the heart of African national parks that he experiences the deep meaning of life, and that he offers himself the luxury of slowness, essential when he is 'is about letting the animal approach.

The elephant obliges man to humility. We are nothing compared to his power and his intelligence. It is he who decides on the meeting, or, on the contrary, who imposes his distance. We are only "tolerated guests", as Laurent Baheux reminds us.
The elephant is not a predator and it is the man who threatens its existence today, competing with it for the control of a territory which is shrinking more and more every day. The pressure of human activities, the demographic growth are the dangers which endanger its survival.

As an extension of his militant commitment and his anti-speciesist discourse which seeks to break down the psychological barriers linked to the categorization of animals - wild, farmed, domesticated - according to their degree of utility or their "nuisance" power, Laurent Baheux provides new proof of the need to save elephants and protect their environment, not just because they populate our collective subconscious, from illustrated children's books to the travel stories of early explorers, but because they are closely linked to the balance of our planet and that they refer us, like mirrors, to our own finitude, ineluctable, we who resemble them so much, so strong and so fragile at the same time.

Avec Elephant, Laurent Baheux raconte presque 20 années de rencontres inoubliables avec cet animal emblématique de l'Afrique, au Kenya, en Namibie, en Afrique du Sud, au Botswana, en Zambie ou en Tanzanie. Ce livre offre le spectacle d'un face-à-face intime avec l'animal, ici traité comme un sujet à part entière à égalité avec l'homme, et il nous incite à prendre le temps de le contempler, pour mieux nous interroger sur notre relation au monde sauvage et sur notre relation aux animaux qui le peuplent. Si le photographe a depuis longtemps choisi le noir et blanc, c'est pour mieux se jouer de la
lumière incomparable de l'Afrique, cette pureté singulière qui donne la sensation d'être en prise directe avec la matière, sans filtre. L'approche de Laurent Baheux n'est pas celle d'un photographe naturaliste ou épris d'éthologie. Ce qu'il cherche auprès des éléphants d'Afrique, c'est la sensation d'une plénitude retrouvée, d'une renaissance, d'une reconnexion au vivant. L'éléphant oblige l'homme à l'humilité. Nous ne sommes rien face à sa puissance et à son intelligence. L'éléphant n'est pas non plus un prédateur et c'est nous aujourd'hui qui menaçons son existence. Avec ce livre hommage et plaidoyer, Laurent Baheux apporte une nouvelle preuve de la nécessité de sauvegarder les éléphants et de protéger leur environnement, pas seulement parce qu'ils peuplent notre inconscient collectif, depuis les albums illustrés pour enfants jusqu'aux récits de voyage des premiers explorateurs, mais parce qu'ils sont étroitement liés à l'équilibre du monde vivant et qu'ils nous renvoient, tels des miroirs, à notre propre finitude, inéluctable, nous qui leur ressemblons tant, si forts et si fragiles à la fois.

This book offers an incomparable spectacle, that of an intimate face-to-face with the animal, here treated as a subject in its own right, on an equal footing with man, and it encourages us to take the time to contemplate it, to better question our relationship to the wild world and our place in it.
And if the photographer has long since chosen black and white, it is to better play with the incomparable light of Africa, its singular purity that gives the feeling of being in direct contact with the material, without filter.
Laurent Baheux's approach is not that of a naturalist or ethology-loving photographer, he does not seek to describe behavior or to unravel the mystery of a sensitive area of the animal that has remained unknown until now.
What he finds with African elephants is the feeling of a rediscovered plenitude, of wonder at the world, of a rebirth, of a reconnection with the living. Far from the crowds and the urban world, it is in the heart of African national parks that he experiences the deep meaning of life, and that he offers himself the luxury of slowness, essential when he is 'is about letting the animal approach.

Laurent Baheux. Elephant

Laurent Baheux. Elephant
