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Catherine François

  • Prisme Éditions
  • Expo: 2022, Galerie La Forest Divonne, Brussels
  • Guy Duplat, Stève Polus
"Nature is the great Creator, the maker of all things; I am merely her instrument" says Catherine François, with the humility of the greatest.The oeuvre of the sculptor reflects the escalating chaos that grips the world and feeds her anxiety and our own. The disorder is deep, organic. But for the artist, these accidents are the source of an ambitious research which aims, through art, to underline the necessity for humankind to finally respect Nature, on which our survival depends.

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ISBN 9782930451381 | EN-FR | HB
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Publisher Prisme Éditions
ISBN 9782930451381
Author(s) Guy Duplat, Stève Polus
Publication date October 2021
Edition Hardback
Dimensions 300 x 240 mm
Pages 224
Language(s) Eng/ French edition
Exhibition Galerie La Forest Divonne, Brussels

"Nature is the great Creator, the maker of all things; I am merely her instrument" says Catherine François, with the humility of the greatest.
The oeuvre of the sculptor reflects the escalating chaos that grips the world and feeds her anxiety and our own. The disorder is deep, organic. But for the artist, these accidents are the source of an ambitious research which aims, through art, to underline the necessity for humankind to finally respect Nature, on which our survival depends. This book illustrates the artist's prolific career: thirty years of sculpture and a creativity that expresses itself with all the energy of the living."

Born in 1963 in Belgium, Catherine François received traditional university education before switching to Fine Arts and Sculpture. For the past 20 years, she has devoted her entire life to sculpture. Her works have been exhibited in Brussels, Knokke, Paris, Geneva. In 2007, the David and Alice Van Buuren Museum in Brussels hosted her first retrospective exhibition, which proved hugely successful. This invitation was renewed in 2012. Drawing her inspiration from nature, Catherine François's works veer towards abstraction while boasting strong, organic, familiar, and sensual characteristics. Her sculptures communicate the infinity of the movement, regardless of whether energies are balanced or not... in short... just like life itself.

«C'est la Nature la grande créatrice, c'est elle qui fait tout, je ne suis que son instrument" dit Catherine François, dont la modestie est celle des grands. Son oeuvre reflète le chaos croissant qui s'empare du monde, nourrissant son inquiétude et la nôtre. Le déséquilibre est profond, organique. Mais pour elle, ses accidents sont source d'une recherche ambitieuse qui vise, par l'art, à souligner l'urgence pour l'espèce humaine de respecter enfin la Nature, dont dépend sa survie. Ce livre illustre le foisonnant parcours de l'artiste : trente années de sculpture et une créativité qui s'exprime avec toute la vigueur du vivant.»

Catherine François est née en Belgique en 1963. Elle a reçu une formation universitaire classique puis s'est orientée vers les Beaux-Arts et la Sculpture. Pendant 30 ans, elle s'est consacrée à la sculpture et a exposé à Bruxelles, Knokke, Paris Genève. En 2007, le Musée David et Alice Van Buuren à Bruxelles lui a consacré sa première rétrospective, qui fut un succès. Cette invitation a été renouvelée en 2012. Inspirées par la nature, les oeuvres de Catherine François tendent vers l'abstraction tout en restant fortes, organiques, familières et sensuelles. Ses sculptures transmettent l'infinité du mouvement, que les énergies soient équilibrées ou non... bref... comme la vie elle-même.

Né en 1950, Guy Duplat est ingénieur civil physicien. Après avoir travaillé comme journaliste au journal Le Soir de 1980 à 1990, il accède au poste de rédacteur en chef en 1990 et occupera cette position jusqu’en 2000. Il rejoint le service culturel de La Libre Belgique en tant que Responsable et Critique Culturel (arts, scènes, littérature) en 2000 et y restera jusqu’en 2015. Il est l’auteur de d’Une Vague Belge (publié chez Racine en 2004) et de Particules de Vie, une série d’entretiens avec François Englert (en collaboration avec Françoise Baré publié par la Renaissance du Livre en 2014).

Galerie La Forest Divonne (Bruxelles) - 2022

"Nature is the great Creator, the maker of all things; I am merely her instrument" says Catherine François, with the humility of the greatest.
The oeuvre of the sculptor reflects the escalating chaos that grips the world and feeds her anxiety and our own. The disorder is deep, organic. But for the artist, these accidents are the source of an ambitious research which aims, through art, to underline the necessity for humankind to finally respect Nature, on which our survival depends. This book illustrates the artist's prolific career: thirty years of sculpture and a creativity that expresses itself with all the energy of the living."

Born in 1963 in Belgium, Catherine François received traditional university education before switching to Fine Arts and Sculpture. For the past 20 years, she has devoted her entire life to sculpture. Her works have been exhibited in Brussels, Knokke, Paris, Geneva. In 2007, the David and Alice Van Buuren Museum in Brussels hosted her first retrospective exhibition, which proved hugely successful. This invitation was renewed in 2012. Drawing her inspiration from nature, Catherine François's works veer towards abstraction while boasting strong, organic, familiar, and sensual characteristics. Her sculptures communicate the infinity of the movement, regardless of whether energies are balanced or not... in short... just like life itself.

Catherine François

Catherine François
