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Photography by Marc T.

  • -zijds
  • by Marc T.
Na een lange afwezigheid van meer dan 30 jaar belandde Marc T. terug in België. 'MOMENTS' is in de eerste plaats een reactie op die terugkeer naar België. Omdat hij gedurende zijn afwezigheid geen enkel contact heeft onderhouden voelt hij zich een vreemdeling in eigen land. Marc T. is gaan reizen door België waarbij voor hem enkel de herontdekking telde op dat moment in de tijd. Elke foto, elk moment in dit boek vertelt dan ook zijn eigen verhaal, gezien door het oog van een lokale vreemdeling…

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ISBN 9789082808087 | E/ NL/ IT | HB
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Publisher (ander)-zijds
ISBN 9789082808087
Author(s) Marc T.
Publication date June 2021
Edition Hardback
Dimensions 230 x 345 mm
Illustrations 63 col. & bw ill.
Pages 144
Language(s) Eng./ NL/ It. ed.

Fotograaf Marc T. vertrok op zeer jonge leeftijd uit Antwerpen richting Londen, waar hij als assistent begon te werken voor Cecil Beaton, bekend om zijn modefoto's en portretten van beroemdheden. Na diens dood in 1980 werkte Marc T. als freelancer voor verschillende Britse magazines zoals 'The Face' en 'New Musical Express', en kreeg hij ook een contract bij 'Warner Bros UK'. Nadien trok hij naar Italië waar hij werkte voor de 'Corriere Della Sera' en bevriend werd met columnist/redacteur, Alessio Gaggioli, die in dit boek het nawoord verzorgt. Na een lange afwezigheid van meer dan 30 jaar belandde Marc T. terug in België. 'MOMENTS' is in de eerste plaats een reactie op die terugkeer naar België. Omdat hij gedurende zijn afwezigheid geen enkel contact heeft onderhouden voelt hij zich een vreemdeling in eigen land. Mensen die op dezelfde plek blijven wonen zien de grote veranderingen om hen heen niet op dezelfde manier als iemand die jaren weg is geweest. En daar moest hij iets mee. Marc T. is gaan reizen door België waarbij voor hem enkel de herontdekking telde op dat moment in de tijd. Maar wel zonder enige nostalgie. Het werd zeker geen zoektocht naar een gemis. Elke foto, elk moment in dit boek vertelt dan ook zijn eigen verhaal, gezien door het oog van een lokale vreemdeling…
Photographer Marc T. left Antwerp for London at a very young age, where he started working as an assistant for Cecil Beaton, known for his fashion photos and celebrity portraits. After Beaton's death in 1980, Marc T. worked as a freelancer for several British magazines such as 'The Face' and 'New Musical Express', and he also got a contract with Warner Bros UK. Afterwards he went to Italy where he worked for the "Corriere Della Sera" and became friends with columnist/editor, Alessio Gaggioli, who provides the epilogue in this book. After a long absence of more than 30 years, Marc T. returned to Belgium. 'MOMENTS' is primarily a reaction to that return to Belgium. Because he has not maintained any contact during his absence, he feels like a foreigner in his own country. People who continue to live in the same place do not see the big changes around them in the same way as someone who has been away for years. And he had to do something with that. Marc T. started traveling through Belgium, where only the rediscovery mattered at that point in time. But without any nostalgia. It was certainly not a search for a loss. Every photo, every moment in this book tells its own story, captured by the eye of a local stranger ...

Photographer Marc T. left Antwerp for London at a very young age, where he started working as an assistant for Cecil Beaton, known for his fashion photos and celebrity portraits. After Beaton's death in 1980, Marc T. worked as a freelancer for several British magazines such as 'The Face' and 'New Musical Express', and he also got a contract with Warner Bros UK. Afterwards he went to Italy where he worked for the "Corriere Della Sera" and became friends with columnist/editor, Alessio Gaggioli, who provides the epilogue in this book. After a long absence of more than 30 years, Marc T. returned to Belgium. 'MOMENTS' is primarily a reaction to that return to Belgium. Because he has not maintained any contact during his absence, he feels like a foreigner in his own country. People who continue to live in the same place do not see the big changes around them in the same way as someone who has been away for years. And he had to do something with that. Marc T. started traveling through Belgium, where only the rediscovery mattered at that point in time. But without any nostalgia. It was certainly not a search for a loss. Every photo, every moment in this book tells its own story, captured by the eye of a local stranger ...

Photographer Marc T. left Antwerp for London at a very young age, where he started working as an assistant for Cecil Beaton, known for his fashion photos and celebrity portraits. After Beaton's death in 1980, Marc T. worked as a freelancer for several British magazines such as 'The Face' and 'New Musical Express', and he also got a contract with Warner Bros UK. Afterwards he went to Italy where he worked for the "Corriere Della Sera" and became friends with columnist/editor, Alessio Gaggioli, who provides the epilogue in this book. After a long absence of more than 30 years, Marc T. returned to Belgium. 'MOMENTS' is primarily a reaction to that return to Belgium. Because he has not maintained any contact during his absence, he feels like a foreigner in his own country. People who continue to live in the same place do not see the big changes around them in the same way as someone who has been away for years. And he had to do something with that. Marc T. started traveling through Belgium, where only the rediscovery mattered at that point in time. But without any nostalgia. It was certainly not a search for a loss. Every photo, every moment in this book tells its own story, captured by the eye of a local stranger ...


